uPVC Sliding Sash Windows

Excellent quality and competitively priced, our exclusive Authentic Collection consists of a divine selection of chamfered, putty line sash windows with external bars.
With a ten-year guarantee and A-rated efficiency for the standard window, you’ll also find tilt restrictors to assist with safety arms and easy cleaning. Available in a range of wood foils and finished, the Authentic Collection is designed to replicate old fashioned style of timber sash windows in a flawless finish.

Bygone Sliding Sash Range
Symphony Collection
Without a question our premier Bygone sash windows are probably the best uPVC sash window available in the market place.
The Bygone Symphony succeeds when “only the very best” will do. As you might expect, this range has virtually every optional extra fitted as standard.
Harmony Collection
Identical frame sash profiles to those found on our premier Symphony product, including the beautiful wood grained, textured acrylic foil on all profiles. Every deep bottom rail and continuous run through horn, has traditional, “butt jointed” construction; the others are mitred, providing the perfect appearance.